Bienvenid@ a Collective Impact Center

Espacio / Comunidad / Servicios

Alta como miembro Visítanos

A Place to collaborate with great minds

Let's get you started

Nuestros servicios

  • Espacio de Trabajo

    Tarifas flexible desde escritorios compartidos hasta tu propia oficina

  • Salas de Reuniones

    Real-time availability for all our conference room spaces. Request and manage bookings online.

  • Red de Miembros

    Contact fácilmente con el resto de la comunidad. Busca perfiles y habilidades o promociona tus servicios.

Escoge tu tarifa

  • Shared Desk Membership



    • Shared Desk Members have 24/7 access to the Shared Desk area. Amenities include: high speed internet, printer/scan/fax machine, HVAC, access to kitchen, (refrigerator, microwave, dishes, etc), and being apart of a really cool and inspiring community! Also, we are all lovers of Coffee and Tea, which is provided to all members. Yes, unlimited coffee and tea! Drink up!

      In addition, all members have free or discounted access to events held at CIC, as well as event space rental. 

Nuestros productos adicionales

La gente de Collective Impact Center

A Place to Create Community

Comprueba nuestras Tarifas

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